Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Basic Life Skills Curriculum

Sand playing

Today around us we find people leading unhappy life inspite of being successful. Why ? World Happiness Index is the indicator of Happiness Level in various countries. In this article we will relate 'Success with Happiness' with Basic Life Skills one should have. It must be developed right from  the early years of the age.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
What are Life Skills ?  Life Skills are psycho-social competencies of an individual needed to lead a happier and successful life. These Life Skills help us to develop Personal, Interpersonal and Thinking skills because our life is made up of Self, Others and Challenges.

The Basic Life Skills Curriculum is divided into three main categories: 

1. Self- awareness skills: This topic covers better understanding of yourself through skills like Stress Management, Self- Control, Positive thinking, Self - esteem & Ethics.

2. Inter- Personal skills :This topic helps how to get along better with others through skills like Empathy, Listening, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Handling disputes, Interpersonal relationships,  and Confident communication. 
3. Thinking skills :This topic covers how to cope with difficulties in life through skills like Goal setting, Decision making,  Problem solving,  Critical & Creative thinking, Resilience (bouncing back from adversity).                                                                                                                                             
How to Implement Basic Life Skills Curriculum?

It is the most challenging tasks for the schools. Mostly experts say that Values can not be taught but  Copied. The best thing is to have mentors as role models. However, we can implement life skills through the following actions:   

i)  Discussions.  ii)  Activities   iii) Group-work 


Thursday, April 8, 2021

How to Choose Best Schools ?

   School Meeting 

 Best schools Don't Just Teach. They Inspire.

It is the well- coordinated efforts between the Teachers, Parents and the Students which result into higher achievements in all respects.  The school environment plays an important role in nurturing the holistic development of the students. As the saying goes," If a flower fails to blossom, you don't fix the flower but the environment".  Education is the Responsibility to educate one and all. 

By & large the Best Schools have the following Primary Characteristics :  

1. Quality of guidance & follow-up from School Management with Inspirational Leadership par Excellence.

2. Effective Coordination between Parents, Teachers and Students by putting up equal efforts because it is the question of Shaping the Future of your Child.   

3Creative Curriculum covering  three important elements of Quality Education  

a) Knowledge 

b) Values

c) Skills 

4. Innovative Teaching Ideas & Activities for Innovative Education.

5. School Environment includes Security, Discipline, Hygiene, & Care for well- being of students.   

The Result of the Best Schools is the "All round Positive Growth in your Child."

Learning for Life ( LFL)

Learning for Life ( LFL) is the part of our unique curriculum to provide meaningful education to our students. It incorporates four main asp...